ALMA Early 2021 Virtual Workshop

The UK ARC Node is planning a second ALMA Virtual Workshop in the Spring of 2021. This workshop, aimed at new ALMA users, will be a comprehensive overview of ALMA, including an introduction to the observatory, a review of interferometry, an overview of using the ALMA Archive, and hands-on work with calibrating and imaging ALMA data. As this workshop will occur close to the Cycle 8 2021 call for proposals, the workshop will also include a detailed demonstration of using the Observing Tool for proposal preparation and additional time for ALMA proposal preparation.

Those who are interested in this workshop can both express their interest and indicate their preferred dates for the workshop in the pre-registration poll at

The date of the meeting will be announced the week of 18 January 2021.


I-TRAIN session 3: UVMultiFit

15 January

10:00 GMT

The European ARC Network is offering an online training session for UVMultiFit on January 15, 2021 at 11:00 CET [10:00 GMT]. The tool UVMultiFit is a versatile library for fitting models directly to visibility data. Visibility fitting can be a powerful method to analyze interferometric data and extract source information without the need to process image deconvolution. During this training session, users will learn how to use this tool on real, publicly available ALMA data.

Zoom link details are available here.