One of the transporters moving one of the ALMA atannas. Credit: Sergio Otarola/ESO.
ALMA Cycle 11 Proposal Statistics Released
ALMA has now released statistics regarding proposal submissions for Cycle 11. A total of 1712 proposals were submitted, which is largely comparable to the number of proposals that have been received by ALMA since Cycle 5. This also includes 67 Joint Proposals (ALMA proposals requesting additional observing time with either JWST, VLA, or VLT) and 42 Large Programs. The total amount of time requested was 31610 hours on the 12-m Array (which is a new high), 12995 hours on the 7-m Array, and 8928 hours on the Total Power Array. More detailed statistical information is available from this report.
53rd Young European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC)
3-6 September 2024 (registration deadline: 7 June 2024)
Real Observatorio de Madrid
Madrid Spain
For over five decades, the Young European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC) has been providing early career astronomy researchers and PhD students with the opportunity to present their results to other astronomers with similar interests and to network with other individuals within the radio astronomy community. This year’s YERAC is hosted by hosted by the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional and Yebes Observatory at the Real Observatorio de Madrid, and participants will also have the opportunity to visit Yebes Observatory during the meeting.
Applications and abstract submissions for YERAC close on Friday, 7 June. Application information is available from the event’s website. Note that the capacity for the event is limited to 40 participants.
12th IRAM Millimeter Interferometry School
18-23 November 2024 (registration deadline: 13 June 2024)
Grenoble, France
The IRAM millimeter interferometry school provides astronomy postgraduate students and early career researchers with the opportunity to learn about millimetre interferometry, data processing techniques, and imaging techniques, with a particular emphasis placed on working with the NOEMA interferometer. The school provides students and early career researchers with networking opportunities as well. Additionally, it may be possible for participants to visit NOEMA during the school, although this will depend on the weather conditions.
People interested in participating should fill in the pre-registration form by 13 June. Note that the school will be limited to 50 participants.
Millimetre/Submillimetre Sessions at the National Astronomy Meeting
14-19 July 2024 (abstract submission deadline: 9 June 2024)
University of Hull
Hull, United Kingdom
The Royal Astronomical Society's 2024 National Astronomy Meeting (NAM 2024) will be held at the University of Hull from 14 to 19 July. The full session program includes quite a few sessions that may be of interest to ALMA users and other radio astronomers, including the following:
- Connecting the Milky Way with its parent populations at the dawn of time (Monday, Tuesday)
- Era of SKAO Pathfinders – Pushing the Boundaries of the Radio Sky (Monday)
- Gravitational Lensing in the Era of Big Data (Tuesday)
- Modelling Astrochemical Processes in the Universe (Tuesday, Wednesday)
- The mm/submm sky – achievements and future prospects (Tuesday)
- Observations and modelling of small-scale transient phenomena in the solar atmosphere (Thursday)
- Solar Flares & CMEs and their impact across the Solar System: Observations, Theory, and Machine learning (Friday)
- Venuses near and far (Friday)
The deadline for abstract submission has just been extended to Sunday 9 June 2024 at 23:59 BST (22:59 UTC). Abstracts should be submitted via this link.