An Event Horizon Telescope image of Sgr A* showing the magnetic fields around the object. Credit: EHT Collaboration.
ALMA Cycle 11 Proposal Deadline - 25 April 2024 (15:00 UT)
The ALMA Cycle 11 proposal deadline is coming up within one week. The new capabilities offered by the observatory in the upcoming cycle are listed in the announcement for the Cycle 11 Call for Proposals, and these include:
- Full polarization observations in Band 1 with the 12-m Array.
- Band 1 observations with the 7-m Array.
- Long-baseline observations with Bands 9 and 10.
The Joint ALMA Observatory is particularly encouraging proposals for the following:
- ACA observations in the LST range between 20h and 10h.
- Band 8-10 observations.
- Band 1, 3, and 4 observations using long-baseline configurations (C-7 to C-10).
Additional information is provided in this poster.
Note that the UK ARC Node staff are available to provide support with proposal preparation or any other ALMA related issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us; our contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.
The Promise and Challenges of the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade
24-28 June 2024
Garching, Germany
24-28 June 2024
Garching, Germany
The Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade is one of the most ambitious upgrades to ALMA since it began science operations. This upgrade will lead to significantly improved observing times for spectral scan and continuum observations, but it also introduces new technical challenges as well. This workshop will be an opportunity for the science community to discuss the science that could potentially be done following the upgrade, and ALMA will also use the workshop to solicit and receive feedback about the work.
More information is available from the meeting website. While the abstract submission deadline has passed, interested participants can still register by 1 May to attend the meeting. Note that a registration fee of €75-€150 will be applied.